Measure Words in Chinese Breakfast Foods
Hongzhi Wang, Bloomington High School North
Novice Mid
Lesson Summary and Objectives:
- Breakfast has traditionally been an important meal in China, both for nutritional and cultural reasons. In Chinese culture, breakfast is seen as the most important meal of the day, and it is often considered the key to a healthy and productive day. The main goal of this lesson is for students to use quantifiers to describe their breakfast.
- In this lesson, students will be able to:
- Name some foods and dishes that are popular in China.
- Talk about what they eat for breakfast.
- Describe their and other people's food preferences.
- Discuss which foods and how much food to order (using measure words).
- Talk about things they do for others.
- Recognize some Chinese holiday foods.
- Order food from a restaurant.
- Discuss completed actions.
- State opinions and give reasons.
- Lesson Plan(PDF)- updated Oct 2023
- Supplementary materials: