Rahman Arman; Behnaz Zamani
Come & learn about the Afghan Languages & Cultures! In this presentation, we'll give a crash course (similar to those that the military goes through) and learn about the cultures of Afghanistan.
Musical Kazakh Lesson
Begaim Adilkhanova
"Musical Kazakh lesson" will get students delve into learning directions in Kazakh with the help of dance "Kara jorga" ("The black horse"). While travelling to Kazakhstan, the ninth largest and the most landlocked country in the world, you never get lost because you have been already familiar with directions to explore this wonderful country on your own, moreover, you will enjoy and get all Kazakhs amazed by energetically dancing "Kara jorga" ("The black horse") whereas this animal symbolizes this nomadic people in Central Asia.
Do You Have a Persian?!
Shahyar Daneshgar; Narges Nematollahi; Abdulhamid Hadi Gadoua; Piper O'Sullivan
Do you know that you or some of your relatives and friends might have a Persian at home? Yes, the chances are high and real. If you are a pet lover, you might have a Persian cat. Even more important, you might even have a Persian rug which might be very valuable. Besides the animal and artifact cultural associations between the American and Iranian cultures, the Persian language spoken by some 100 million speakers in the world , has direct linguistic relationship with the English language speakers. Many of the basic words such as father, mother, brother, daughter, lip, eyebrow, star, moon, numbers two, nine, ten, and many more are directly related because of the linguistic relationship of both Languages belonging to the same family of the language group. Even some claim that there are direct link between the Iranian New Year known as the Noruz ‘New Day’ starting on the Spring Equinox and Eastern Holiday, Halloween and Chaharshanbeh Souri ‘Festivity of the Last Wednesday of the Year.’ These are only a few reasons among numerous ones that students choose to study Farsi also known as Persian in the western hemisphere at the colleges. Join us to find out more about an ancient and rich culture which dates back to some 3000 years in the history of mankind. ‘Beh Omide Didaar ‘به امید دیدار “Hope to see in our class.”
Learning to Read and Write in Pashto
Rakhmon Inomkhojayev
Have you ever wanted to read and write in Pashto? This presentation will show you a Pashto writing tutorial program developed at IU Center for the Languages of the Central Asian Region (CeLCAR). You will have the opportunity to practice writing your names or any other words and learn introductory Pashto phrases. Students, parents, and teachers are welcomed to the presentation.
Estonian Woods: A Lesson in Magic
Piibi‐Kai Kivik
Where do Skype, a Japanese Sumo champion, supermodels and chart topping pop singers come from? Correct, from the woods of Estonia, in the North, on the seacoast. The dark, magical and enchanted woods that grow the sweetest wild strawberries in the summer and shelter the cutest furry creatures in the snow. And, if you believe, witches, wise wizards, sorcerers, fairies and elves! We will meet the above Estonian characters (virtually!) and learn some of the magic language. Surprisingly, the ancient wisdom of the woods lives on among the IT‐loving city dwellers in this small EU country, in their offices and university classrooms, on their tablets and smartphones. Which, when they are done with mobile parking, e‐government, e‐banking, e‐school and other e‐business, they use to check out the Wild Boar Cam. Do you know what to say when you wish it would rain? When you want that someone to return your feelings? When you want to feel better? You need to say a spell, chant magic words. Luckily, Estonia’s folklore collection is second largest in Europe: problem solved! Come learn these magic spells (if you dare!) and… well, the rest is really up to you. At least you can now talk like a wizard, a witch or a magical creature of choice.
Land of Genghis (Chinggis) Khan
Tserenchunt Legden; Odontsatsral Batneren
Comments: Have you ever heard about the Shagai game? Come and learn what the ankle bone (shagai) game is and then predict your future with the fortuneteller. During the Mongolian language session you will learn how to say greetings and farewells and you will also learn the names of the five animals: sheep, horse, camel, goat and cattle. At the end you will celebrate your good luck with a traditional Mongolian circle dance. We hope you will enjoy the experience of nomadic culture of Mongolia, the Homeland of Great Genghis (Chinggis) Khan.
Uyghur Game Five Rocks!
Gulnisa Nazarova; Nikolas Kontovas; Alissa Davis
In this festival we would like to present Uyghur Traditional game "Five Rocks." Students sit on the ground in a circle. Instructor provides them with small rocks to play a game. We give instructions to students how to play the game: Take five rocks and place them on the ground, while throwing one into the air try to pick up another rock and then catch the one you threw. Do the same thing with the rest of the rocks. If you want to challenge yourself try picking up two rocks at the same time, if you get that, then you could try that with three rocks, and so on.
Tibetan films, language, and culture
Gedun Rabsal
Let's learn about Tibetan language and culture by watching some movie clips from some of the newest Tibetan filmmakers. We'll learn how to say and write a few fun phrases in Tibetan, and we'll also discover why it's one of the important literary heritages of the world.
Uzbek Language and Culture
Christopher Sorensen; Malik Hodjaev
Today, 30 million people live in Uzbekistan on land about the size of California. Uzbekistan is the second largest exporter of cotton after the U.S. and has rich natural resources: natural gas, oil, gold, copper, uranium, and others. The land is famous for its orchards, melons, vineyards, and traditional cuisine. Uzbek belongs to the Turkic language group and is spoken by over 35 million people. Most Uzbek speakers live in Uzbekistan, but others live in neighboring Central Asian republics and northern Afghanistan. Uzbekistan is an exotic and fascinating country that has been a cultural crossroads for thousands of years. In Uzbekistan’s long history, ancient Persian, Greek, Turkic, and European cultures have mixed to form a unique and beautiful culture. Uzbekistan’s place at the center of the ancient Silk Road gave birth to ancient cities such as Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva, as well as some of the most resplendent architecture in the Islamic world. In modern times, as the most populous country in Central Asia, Uzbekistan remains firmly in the lens of the international world and continues to play an important part in regional affairs. You are welcome to learn about Independent Uzbekistan, Uzbek Language, and Uzbekistan’s unique culture and traditions.
Small Talk in the Land of Angry Birds (i.e. Finland)
Mikko Taurama; Henriikka Rönkkönen
Our presentation is an interactive introduction to Finnish small talk (or lack thereof). First, we will give a very brief overview of Finland and compare the Finnish way of interacting with an unknown person to the small talk culture in the U.S. We will then demonstrate three stages of Finnish small talk by using and acting out simple phrases. The demonstration is “subtitled,” i.e. the audience can see the lines and translations on the PowerPoint at the same time. The stages are a) awkward silence, b) forced cliché phrases, and c) a loud argument (which usually happens after a few cans of some sort of fermented drinks). We will then help the audience to practice the stages together with their friends or in small groups. We will close by briefly addressing issues that arose in the interaction, mainly how the role of expletives, gestures, and physical space in a Finnish casual interaction is rather different from small talk conducted in the U.S.
The Myth of Chinese Zodiac
Pei‐Shan Yu
In this section, you will find out your Chinese Zodiac sign and learn how to say it in Chinese. The brief introduction on Chinese Zodiac including its origin and story, character of persons under each sign will be introduced. Let’s have fun to discover the myth of Chinese Zodiac together!
Chinese Characters and Traditional Landscape Painting
Wenchao Zhu
Want to learn Chinese language? Want to know how to write one of the most difficult characters in the world? It seems hard but it becomes easier! Join me to explore the origin of the characters, see different type for students.
Sumo Japanese Traditional Sport
Yasuko Akiyama
In this presentation, I will introduce a traditional Japanese sport, Sumo, as a combination of a sport event, a religious ceremony, and entertainment. The audience will learn about the origin, training of sumo wrestlers, rules of the game, and current problems in the world of sumo. In understanding the appeal of sumo, the audience will also gain insights of a religious sense, customs and manners prevailed in Japanese culture.
Chinese Tea Ceremony
Jingjing Cai; Huiqi Zhou; Xiaosu Xue
Tea plays an important role in Chinese people's daily life. Tea culture in China is very unique, it differs from that of Europe, India and Japan in such thing as preparation methods, tasting methods and the occasions in which it is consumed. The presentation will include a brief introduction to the Chinese tea culture and an authentic performance of Chinese tea ceremony. Audiences are invited to make Chinese tea afterwards following presenters' instructions and drink tea together. Let us learn how to make Chinese tea and grow cross-‐cultural awareness at the same time.
Peking Opera Introduction and Mask Making
Yanfei Chen; Xiaomeng Zhang
The Peking Opera is a traditional Chinese opera tracing back to 18th century which combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance and acrobatics. Come here to learn more about this, watch the video of the show and make your own Peking Opera mask!
T’ai‐chi: The Embodiment of Chinese Philosophy
Brian Flaherty
T’ai‐chi is a unique and profound product of Chinese culture and now one of the most popular practices in the world. Come explore its origins and principles, see a demonstration of a rare style, and learn a technique to practice on your own.
How to talk in Japenglish
Misato Hiraga
Even if you don't know Japanese, you can get around in Japan using English "loanwords” (words borrowed from English and incorporated into Japanese). The trick is to pronounce English words in a Japanese way. This session will introduce you to many loanwords that are used in everyday conversational Japanese.
Japanese Linguistics 101
Chisato Kojima
This presentation will let you explore basic linguistic aspects of Japanese focusing on the basic structural differences (grammar) and the sound system (phonetics) in comparison with the grammar and sound system of English. You will see why some aspects in Japanese are so hard to learn. After introducing basic linguistics facts, the audience will engage in some related activities. By the end of the session, you will understand how Japanese sounds and will even be able to spell your name in Japanese orthography! Everyone is welcome and absolutely no experience in Japanese language is required!
Girls in the forest and new father figures: fashion and life styles in Japan
Chisato Kojima
Fashion is one of the most influential factors in Japanese culture, within and beyond the country. Being fashionable is sometimes closely related to having a certain lifestyle. In other words, seeking cool and fashionable styles in fashion and in life is essential to some Japanese people. This presentation introduces you to some unique, Japanese, female fashion, style and lifestyles. Following this introduction we will turn to some trends in Japanese father figures. These trends are often described with XXX-girl (e.g. mori-girl)or XXX-men (e.g. iku-men).
Chinese Festivals and Food
Yi‐Lu Kuo
This section will introduce several Chinese important festivals and their related traditional food. You will learn how Chinese people celebrate these festivals, including what they do, what they eat, and what these festivals mean to Chinese people’s lives. You will also learn how to say these festivals and food in Chinese.
Origin and Modern Use of Korean
Jonghoon Lee; Youngmin Lee; Seongmin Soh
With a recent success of Gangnam Style, an interest regarding Korean culture has been skyrocketing. As the president of Korean Students Association, I thought participating in such event would work as little push to get people more aware of the Korean culture. As far as our preliminary plan goes, we will be focusing on the origin and modern use of Korean Language in the South Korea. In order to do so, we will have a short dramatic clip of how the language was invented. After that, we will teach everyone how to write their name in Korean (with few co-presenters, it wouldn’t be as time consuming). Lastly, we will watch a music video of K-pop, which is relevant to the daily life in the South Korea, and have the lyrics translated by the presenter as the music video is being played simultaneously. I believe our presentation, if done accordingly, can achieve both education and entertainment.
Japanese Food and Culture: What is Pan (Japanese Bread)?
Arisa Shibagaki; Takako Kojima
Bread culture was originally introduced to Japan by the Portuguese during the Edo period (1603-1868). The Japanese word for bread, pan is derived from the Portuguese term, pão. In the Meiji period (1868-1912), many cultural items from Western countries became prevalent in Japan, with bread becoming one of the most popular Western foods. Today most Japanese bakeries, which are called panya, sell more than 30 kinds of bread every day including loaves of bread called shoku-pan and different kinds of pastries such as kashi-pan and sōzai-pan. In Japan, pan is available everywhere and is a popular food among Japanese people; however, Japan is not known for its bread. When people think of Japan, they usually think of rice-based food like sushi instead. In this presentation, we would like to introduce what pan (Japanese bread) is, and explain it in the Japanese cultural context. We also hope to have samplings available for people who are interested in trying different flavors of Japanese bread.
China's Most Viral Posts in 2012
Xiaosu Xue
It is becoming a consensus that netizens are the most creative group of people in China. Each year, some 20 new words or expressions are coined in the viral posts by the netizens. Many of these words quickly become part of our daily language. We've always had "ice/ freezing point" for the point when water freezes; thanks to netizens, now we have "pee point" for the point in a movie when you can feel free to visit the bathroom without feeling sorry. Let's see how creative netizens could be through some of China's most viral posts in 2012.
Finding ton meilleur look: Everyday French Fashion
Erin Myers; Erin Edgington; Sarah Kay Hurst
Have you ever wanted to learn about the more accessible, everyday side of French fashion? Come learn some key vocabulary for describing and responding to fashion, some of the many techniques for scarf tying and, create your own look with paper dolls.
Exploring the art of the Bande Déssinée: The Comic Book culture of the Francophone world
Amber Panwitz
We will be exploring the world of French language comic books, introducing their beloved characters, and tracing the history of their development. After the presentation participants will have time to browse through a collection of the featured comics and begin their own adventure.
Fun and Motivation through Animation
Olga Scrivner; James Scrivner
Walt Disney once said: "Animation offers a medium of story telling and visual entertainment which can bring pleasure and information to people of all ages everywhere in the world". Why not apply it to a language learning and combine education and entertainment together? Come and learn GoAnimate, a must know tool for language teachers"
Germanic Studies Showcase Room
Troy Byler; Gergana May; Esther Ham
We are again requesting a class room of 49 or more occupancy to use as the Germanic Studies Showcase Room for the entire day. In addition to the cultural realia, displays and interactive exercises, Troy, Gergana, and Esther would be able and willing to give mini lessons for German, Norwegian, and Dutch during the day.
German Language and Culture: An Introduction
Troy Byler
Participants will learn about linguistic and cultural similarities and differences between Germany and the USA. Some misconceptions and stereotypes will be examined and dispelled.
Norwegian Language Lesson
(Germanic Studies/WEST Cross‐Listing)
Gergana May
Germanic Studies Showcase Room Teaching Norwegian: the first day in the Norwegian language classroom.
Scandinavian Music
Gergana May
Folk tunes, classical masterpieces, Scandinavian jazz, rock and black metal. Unique musical expression from a unique corner of the world! I want to hold the sessions in the Germanic Studies Showcase Room.
Celebration of the Bengali New Year
Abdul Hakim
Bangla also known as Bengali is the world’s sixth most spoken language. It is spoken in Bangladesh, the Indian state of West Bangla and parts of Assam and Tripura. Bengalis have a very rich cultural heritage. Celebration of Bengali New Year in Bangladesh is a very big cultural event which touches all Bengalis in Bangladesh. Come see how Bengalis celebrate the Bengali New Year.
Hindi through Yoga
Kusum Knapczyk
Yoga originated in India and is practiced around the world. Yoga is an easy way to calm your body and mind. In this session you will be enjoying some yoga poses while learning some words and phrase in the Hindi‐Urdu language.
Bollywood Music
Pooja Saxena
Cinema is a medium that can introduce you to a country’s culture in a very short time. The word Bollywood conjures up images of Indian culture, color, exotic locales in Hindi films. Join us to tap your foot and listen to some Bollywood numbers that will give you a glimpse of Hindi and Indian culture and learn a few Bollywood moves, too!
Romania: The Musical Melting Pot of the Balkans
Maria Bucur‐Deckard; Dan Deckard; Shaun Williams
This session will take you on a trip around the different regions of Romania: Oltenia, the Banat, Transylvania, and Moldavia—to offer an introduction to the many types of musical influences that have shaped traditional music in this country. You will hear echoes of various ethnic influences and their beautiful blending through unusual tonalities and shifting rhythms, and be introduced to a few less commonly known instruments that are part of the Romanian repertoire. History professor Maria Bucur-Deckard will also offer a brief introduction to the history of these regions in relation to modern Romania.
I will have a powerpoint with a couple of maps to identify these regions and maybe a few images of peasants in traditional costume.
"The Numa Numa Song": A Lesson in Introductory Romanian
Roxana Cazan; Rodica Frimu
Released as a single in 2008, T.I.'s song "Live Your Life" featuring pop artist Rihanna incorporates in its intro a short tune from the famous Romanian song circulating on YouTube under the title "The Numa Numa Song." We all recall the joyful lyrics "numa numa iei, numa numa numa iei" [sic], but the spelling of the song's title and catchy refrain highlight an interesting question: What does "numa numa" mean? In this introductory lesson, you will learn to decipher "The Numa Numa Song" and to introduce yourself in Romanian.
Why Czech, and not French, is the Language of Love
Craig Cravens
Come see why the Czech language, and not French, is the language of love. We will learn some fine Czech phrases to impress your loved ones as well as where robots and beer came from.
It’s All about the Name
Elena Doludenko; Andrew Woodcock
In this session you will learn how to introduce yourself in Russian and how to write your name in the Cyrillic alphabet. You will also learn about middle names in Russia, and you will find out what your middle name would be if you grew up in this country. You will learn if there is an equivalent of your name in Russian and when you would have your Name. At the end, we will play an old Russian game – Karavaj which will involve singing in Russian and using your name.
A Crash Course in Russian
Jeff Holdeman
A highly interactive, fun introduction to basic Russian phrases and the Cyrillic alphabet! In this session, you will learn a full series of Russian conversation exchanges for making new acquaintances, as well as about half of the Cyrillic alphabet. By the end of the session conducted only in Russian, you will be able to introduce yourself, as well as read a variety of words. See how quickly our students overcome the hurdle of a different alphabet, and leave being able to make new friends in one of the world's great languages!
We're Number One: A few things you never knew about Russia
Tyler Madsen; Kimberly Madsen
Did you know that Russia is number one in the world in terms of national wealth, number of space launches per year, and reserves of diamonds? Come and find out why it might be a good idea to study Russian.
Hurra!!! I speak Polish
Emilia Sztabnicka‐Gradowska
You cannot imagine learning foreign language without using English? Come to this session and check – it really works! You will learn some survival Polish phrases and expressions, but do not expect just to seat and listen. You will be encouraged to speak, act, move and even run while learning greetings, saying goodbye, introducing yourself and counting in Polish.
Spanish Theater: Ternura and Tenderness
Hannah Agauas; Teresa Hancock‐Parmer
Have you always wanted to speak Spanish...but can´t? Do you fancy yourself an actor, but worry about remembering your lines? There's more to communicating than merely the words we say. Today´s presentation is for language educators and curious learners alike. We will explore a parodic and playful one-page play by Salvadoran writer Menén Desleal in an effort to test the limits of self expression and break out of boring classroom routine!
Capoeira Workshop
Vania Castro; Rafael Salzano
Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance and music. It was developed in Brazil mainly by descendants of African slaves with Brazilian native influences, probably beginning in the 16th century. The word capoeira probably comes from the Tupi language, referring to the areas of low vegetation in the Brazilian interior. In this workshop the students will be learn some of the most traditional movement of Capoeira. They will also be introduced to the music and musical instruments that are used during Capoeira performance.
¡Vamos a bailar flamenco! Let´s dance flamenco!
Francisca Escoriza‐Gallardo
"What does "flamenco" mean? Did you know that the word "flamenco" describes more than one single dance? Come and discover much more!!! "Flamenco" includes more than fifty types of songs, or "palos" as we call them in Spain. We will learn about the origins and etymology of flamenco as well as some steps of "sevillanas," the most popularly known flamenco dance and song."
Chinese Calligraphy Club
Chinese Word Pictograph & Meanings: Oracle Bone Script
Nanmeng Anna Jiang
Think Chinese characters are so complicated? Let’s explore its origin, Oracle Bone Script,which is the oldest known form of Chinese written language from about 1200 BC, and still influences on Chinese characters. Come see Chinese word pictograph, understand Chinese characters in a profound way, enjoy live Calligraphy demonstration, and learn more Chinese culture.
LCLE: Literacy, Culture, and Language Education
Considering Study Abroad Before College
Amara Stuehling
Are you in middle or high school and feel like college study abroad is still so far away? Do you want to use a language you have been studying in real situations? If so, this session is for you! Participating in an exchange program is a great way to become integrated into another culture and become a confident world traveler. This session will discuss what a high school study abroad program could look like and give some example programs that exist at IU and others from outside organizations. Students, come learn about how to have an exciting summer, semester, or year abroad even before you have the chance to travel abroad in college!
World Englishes
Daniel Whyatt; Aileen Bach
Presenters will use video clips, audio clips, and maps to highlight the varieties of English used around the world. Participants will engage in activities such as guessing games, multiple choice items and fun facts to identify Englishes in contexts that are both culturally and linguistically diverse. Participants will gain an understanding of the how English, in all its varieties belongs to the world.
Joint Talk by IU’s Flagship Centers
Empowering the Next Generations of Global Professionals through Language Study – Getting to know IU
Chinese Flagship Center: Vivian Ling; Madeline Hanley
Swahili Flagship Center: Alwiya Omar; Alexander Acosta
Turkish Flagship Center: Kemal Silay; Victoria Rust
Join faculty and students from IU’s three Language Flagship programs to understand this innovative foreign language education model. IU has the most Language Flagship programs in the U.S: Chinese, Swahili, and Turkish. The Language Flagship offers students the opportunity to attain professional level of language proficiency through classroom learning, mentoring, extracurricular activities, domestic and overseas summer programs, a semester of direct enrollment and a semester long internship overseas. The flexible design of the Language Flagship allows students to major in any IU’s fields of study while completing the requirement to achieve superior level language skills. Faculty from the three programs will introduce the Flagship model of language education in specifics, share best practices, and help you discover how to maximize study abroad experiences. Current IU Language Flagship students will reflect on their experience in the program and present how Language Flagship education has improved their academic and professional skills.