French and Italian
French in the US
You may have heard of French in Louisiana or Canada, but what do you really know about French in the U.S.? This session will teach you about the history and linguistic features of three French dialects in the United States (New England, Missouri, and Louisiana) using fun, educational activities.
Instructor |Laura Demsey, Renata Uzzell
Genre: Cultural Lecture
French: New York vs. Paris
During this session, participants will work together to discuss characteristics of Paris and New York and draw conclusions about how the French and American cultures compare to one another.
Instructor | Jill Owen
Genre: Cultural Lecture
Pictionary en Francais !
We're playing Pictionary (no knowledge of French required--We will learn together!)
Instructor | Timothy Lomeli
Genre: Crash Course
Introductory French at IU
This presentation will be an interactive session targeted towards complete beginners to the French language. The participants will get a sneak peak into how French is taught at IU.
Instructor | Sneha Ravichandran
Genre: Crash Course
A Taste of Italy
In this interactive presentation the students will learn about which foods are truly Italian and which ones have become adapted to American cuisine. The students will explore different Italian products and taste bread with Nutella.
Instructor |Leonardo Cabrini
Fall in love with Italian
This session is going to familiarize students with introductory phrases in Italian.
Instructor |Alberto Iozzia
Genre: Crash Course
HISP and Germanic Studies
Festa Junina: Brazilian Cuisine
A hands-on workshop in which the audience can learn more about one of Brazil's greatest and more traditional parties: Festa Junina . The presenters will teach a few steps of quadrilha (Brazilian square dance), and help the audience make Brazilian typical desserts.
Instructor |Tais Xavier Carvalho and Gabriela Kolman
Komposita: world-famous German compound words
We will give attendees a sense of how to handle German compounds and even create their own amazingly long compounds through a series of group activities. This workshop is suitable for people who have no prior knowledge of German or German culture, and will give some insights into German culture through language.
Instructor |Anna Spafford, Sofiya Bodnar, Tyler Kniess, Nathan Quinlan
First Day Norwegian Class
Students will experience the first day of Beginning Norwegian class and will learn to greet, introduce themselves and talk about where they are from and where they live.
Instructors |Gergana May
Other Languages
Arabic Crash Course
What if you wake up one morning finding yourself in a small village in Upper Egypt?! How will you communicate?... Join us to learn enough Arabic to get you home! Learn the basics of greetings and more.
Instructor | Iman Alramadan